In Houston:
I find the people, my family and culture inspiring. After living on the east coast for five years, I have come to appreciate the mornings when a stranger says good morning while sharing a trail during a run at Memorial Park. It took me a while to realize that Houston Hospitality is a thing—I cherish the small hellos and feeling welcomed and connected to those around me wherever I am.
Houston has seen me grow up and is the place I call home—even though I have lived in more places than I ever tell most people.
It is comforting to call Houston, one of the most diverse cities in the US, home. During the most memorable moments of my college life, I would always come back. I would work at a corporate law firm during breaks, hang out with family and return to school.
Returning during a raging pandemic is not what I pictured a few months ago, but I have seen this city bounce up before; I have no doubt it will again. After all, I have met some of the most hardworking and humble people in Houston (perhaps because of how diverse it is). Like what I've said--it is not the place but the people that help make a place feel like home.
My biggest hope coming back is to add to the creative energy of the city and to join the other creative geniuses; to inspire others to take their creative sides seriously—especially when it is something that inspires and raises the spirit of those around you.