A Day in The Life of Nelly
“Good morning—welcome to earth. It’s a fresh new day—a new canvas is expecting you” —That was the sun hitting my face this morning.
Dreams and Desires
I find myself deeply invested in my jewelry work and business; is it scary every day? Sure, I am scared of all the same things you are—what if I am not doing enough? What if I lose creativity? What if I do become a starving artist? I have accepted my feelings. They are valid, but they do not define me nor shall they stop me from living my life.
I think therefore I am; a story about motivation
Finding motivation is especially difficult when the results are uncertain. Trust me, I have made pieces I was deeply disappointed by and they now only exist in my memory. But I have also made beautiful work I hope will live forever. However, both of my successful and not so successful work has taught me the skills and lessons that have pushed me to where I am today and taught me there is nothing to fear other than not trying. Like the saying goes: there is no light without darkness.
The Creation of Diamond Earrings: From Source to the Design
With every piece I make I think about what each design says about my work—I sit to reflect and think. How does this one piece exist within the DNA of my work?
In Houston:
My biggest hope coming back is to add to the creative energy of the city and to join the other creative geniuses; to inspire others to take their creative sides seriously—especially when it is something that inspires and raises the spirit of those around you.